
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Behaviour & Rewards

We celebrate our children's efforts and achievements in a wide variety of ways. Focusing on the key learning skills: perseverance, focus, communication, risk-taking and creativity, children are encouraged to move into the "green" learning zone when they demonstrate these skills. at the end of the week there is a reward for all children who have consistently stayed in the "green" zone.

At the end of each term the "Learner of the Term" from each class receives a special award. 

We also have a house system. The names of the four houses reflect the heritage of the local area: Weavers, Dyers, Spinners and Carders. Each child is allocated to a house and is able to earn House Points, which are collected for the House Shield. House Points also earn children individual awards, for example a certificate is awarded for 25 points, followed by a bronze, silver and gold star badge for 25,50 and 100 points respectiviely. 

We hold our Celebration Assembly each Friday and announce the winner of the House Shield for that week. We also award one child from each class a certificate and prize for being "Learner of the Week" and for children whose behaviour has been exemplary, the "9 Habits Leader" award. 

Please visit our policy page for copies of our Behaviour and Anti Bullying policies.