
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Friends of OAL

The FOALs (Friends of Oasis Academy Longmeadow)  group is an integral part of our Academy hub which has been together since 2013. In that time FOALs have raised funds which has been spent on improving equipment, resources and outings to enhance our children’s education.

But it is much, much more than just fundraising. Our Children’s discos, Chocolate Bingo, Christmas Fayre, School Fete are run with the aim of giving the children a fun time as well as enhancing their learning.

The FOALs group exists to provide closer links between home and school,  it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially, in support of the Academy. It’s fun!

All parents and members of the Academy community can get involved, even if you only have a small amount of time available.

Further information can be requested via the school office.